The Circle is sustainable from Sea to Table. It is a delicate balance and a full circle; raising , releasing and harvesting. The Nisqually and Confederated Tribes manage an ethical and sustainable hatchery in the Nisqually Basin. The wild Salmon return from the Ocean to their original home spawning grounds. The eggs are taken and nurtured and when the fry hatch, they grow in the fresh water river beds until they are ready to move to the Puget Sound where they get used to the mixed fresh and salt water before moving out into the Ocean. They will live and grow in the Ocean for approximately 2 to 6 years on average before returning to their native birth grounds to spawn.

By purchasing our delicious , fresh products you also support the work and sustainable ethic of the Native families and communities who have fished for generations in the Pacific NW waters.

To learn more about the sustainable and successful practices of the Hatchery and Salmon restoration programs please check the links below:

Clear Creek Hatchery

Salmon Enhancement Program

Salmon Recovery Program

Emily Engdahl